24 November 2020

Second wave of COVID -19: Telework is the rule

In a Q&A posted on its website and updated on November 17, 2020, the French Ministry of Labor provides details on teleworking in the context of the “second wave” of the COVID 19 pandemic.
While in the previous versions of the health protocol telework was “recommended”, it must, since October 29, 2020, be generalized for all activities that allow it.

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30 October 2020

Share deal: What happens in case of seller’s omission in the representations intended to be exhaustive?

The decision of the Paris Court of Appeals of June 2, 2020[1] provides valuable insights into the interplay, sometimes complex, between the various agreements entered into between a seller and a purchaser of shares, which agreements generally include a promise of sale agreement subject to conditions precedent, a set of representations and warranties (called garantie d’actif et de passif under French law) and the final purchase agreement that acknowledges the fulfillment of the conditions precedent and the proper completion of the sale transaction.

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30 October 2020

A Facebook post to “friends” can lead to dismissal

The Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) recently ruled that an employer can produce in court elements extracted from an employee’s private Facebook account, to which it was not authorized to access, as long as (i) this production is indispensable to the exercise of its right to evidence, and (ii) the violation of the employee’s privacy is proportionate to the goal pursued.

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29 September 2020

Extension of the rules governing meetings of shareholders and meetings of governing bodies of private law businesses

Decree No. 2020-925 of July 29, 2020 extends until November 30, 2020 the rules that eased the procedures governing the deliberations of shareholders’ meetings.

This provides the opportunity to review the temporary and exceptional derogations set up on the basis of Law No. 2020-290 of March 25, 2020 to secure the internal operation of companies through the adaptation of the rules governing the holding and deliberations of shareholders’ meetings to the health measures imposed by COVID-19.

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