30 January 2020

Private Equity in France: Focus on available exit routes

Private equity involves the association of one or more entrepreneurs and one or more financial investors who provide financing to unlisted companies and even sometimes listed companies.

In private equity transactions, investors are expected to exit in the short or medium term. Several exit routes are available to capital investors: trade sale, transfer to the management team, sale to another investment fund or initial public offering.

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30 January 2020

Secrecy of pre-trial investigations and inquiries: A fundamental principal undermined by social changes

In today’s increasingly information dominated society, the National Assembly’s Law Committee has asked MPs Xavier Breton and Didier Paris to carry out a fact-finding mission on the secrecy of pre-trial investigations and inquiries.

In their report published in December 2019, they rightly point out the inconsistencies that surround this principle, which is fundamental, but which is undermined by the legitimate need for information. Beyond this observation, the rapporteurs draw up a list of recommendations in order to adapt the secrecy of pre-trial investigations and inquiries to the evolutions of today’s society.

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28 November 2019

PACTE Law: Softened conditions for operating a shareholder current account

The so-called PACTE Law No. 2019-486 of May 22, 2019 has streamlined the terms and conditions governing current account advances (i) by lifting the requirement under which the shareholders had to hold at least 5% of the company’s share capital on the one hand, and (ii) by legally recognizing the validity of current account advances made by Presidents of simplified joint stock companies and by general managers and deputy general managers of joint stock companies and simplified joint stock companies on the other hand.

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28 November 2019

The anxiety-related damage extended to all harmful or toxic substances

An employee who provides evidence of exposure to a harmful or toxic substance generating a high risk of developing a serious disease and evidence of a personal anxiety-related damage resulting from such exposure may take action against his/her employer for failure by the latter to comply with its obligation to ensure the safety of its employees.

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30 October 2019

Simplification of French corporate law: Overview of some flagship measures

Following the so-called PACTE Law which amended several major areas of French corporate law (Law No. 2019-486 of May 22, 2019), the Law on the Simplification, Clarification and Modernization of Corporate Law (the “Law”), published in the Official Gazette on July 19, 2019 under the number 201-9-744, entered into force on July 21, 2019. This […]

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