
All publications by Jean-Luc Soulier

Jean-Luc Soulier

Member of the Paris Bar

1 May 2009

Leniency program under french law: Conditions and procedure

On March 2, 2009, the Competition Authority (formerly the Competition Council) issued a procedural notice regarding leniency program “à la française”, which is governed by Articles L.464-2 IV and R.464-5 of the French Commercial Code. Pursuant to Article L.464-2 IV, “immunity from any fine or a reduction of fines may be granted to a company […]

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1 March 2009

Practical guidelines for designing and implementing a successful compliance program

In the last few years, the ever-increasing fines imposed by the French Competition Council[1] (renamed Competition Authority as from January 1, 2009) on economic operators for non-compliance with competition and antitrust laws have led companies to spontaneously design and implement internal detection tools to prevent such violations and, as the case may be, obtain a […]

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1 March 2009

The lega saga of relay base stations And the maximum fear effect

Following the path traced by the Versailles Court of Appeals, whose decision was commented in our February 2009 e-newsletter, the Carpentras and Angers First Instance Courts have ordered the dismantling of mobile phone relay base stations. These decisions concerned three different mobile phone operators: Bouygues, SFR and Orange. Several proceedings have been initiated across France, […]

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1 February 2009

The gradual drift of the precautionary principle

The Judgment rendered on February 4, 2009 by the Versailles Court of Appeals ordering Bouygues Telecom to remove a relay base station following a claim lodged by neighbors has been extensively commented in the media and widely acknowledged as a legitimate application of the precautionary principle. It is in fact a highly criticizable decision. Let’s […]

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1 October 2008

Operator’s new environmental liability

Law 2008-757 dated August 1, 2008 on environmental liability (the “Law”) can primarily be viewed as the belated transposition of Directive 2004/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 21, 2004 on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage. It goes beyond the European Directive’s principles, however, […]

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