
All publications by Laure Marolleau

Laure Marolleau

Member of the Paris Bar

1 June 2011

Companies will soon be required to notify data breaches in France

It is within the context of the recent hack attacks on Sony that the French government made public a draft order[1] imposing on companies responsible for personal data the obligation to notify so-called “data breaches” (i.e. the loss/release of personal data). On April 18 and April 19, 2011 Sony’s PlayStation network[2] was the target of […]

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1 June 2011

Highlights of the notice issued by the french competition authority on financial penalties In antitrust cases

On May 16, 2011, the Autorité de la concurrence(French Competition Authority or hereinafter the “FCA”) published a notice on the method according to which it sets financial penalties in cases of cartels and abuses of dominant position[1] (the “Notice”). Article L.464-2 of the French Commercial Code already specified the legal criteria according to which financial […]

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