
All publications by Laure Marolleau

Laure Marolleau

Member of the Paris Bar

30 December 2021

French Climate and Resilience Law: What impact on corporate law?

Law No. 2021-1104 of August 22, 2021 on combating climate change and strengthening resilience to its effects, adopted on July 20, 2021 (the “Climate and Resilience Law”), was promulgated on August 24, 2021. Its provisions are inspired by the proposals of the Citizens’ Climate Convention. The final text includes 305 Articles in 8 Titles. Some provisions came into force as soon as the Climate and Resilience Law was promulgated, while other measures will apply in 2022, 2023, 2025, up to 2034.

The article provides a focus on the new developments in corporate law.

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25 November 2021

COP26: What outcomes?

The 2021 Glasgow Climate Change Conference or COP26, organized by the United Nations, took place from November 1 to 13, 2021 in Glasgow (United Kingdom) as it had to be postponed for one year due to the COVID-19 health crisis.

The COP26 resulted, on November 13, in the adoption of the “Glasgow Climate Pact”, which notably allows to finalize the rules of application of the Paris Agreement but falls short of the ambitions that had been initially set.

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9 September 2021

French Data Protection Authority imposes a 1.75 million fine on AG2R LA MONDIALE

The French Data Protection Authority imposed on AG2R LA MONDIALE a 1.75 million euros fine for failing to comply with the obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation regarding data retention periods and information to be provided to individuals.

Two breaches were mainly highlighted: an excessive retention period for personal data and a lack of information provided to people during telemarketing calls by subcontractors.

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15 April 2021

French Administrative Supreme Court rejects the suspension of the platform established in partnership between the French State and Doctolib and hosted by Amazon

In an order dated March 12, 2021, the Conseil d’Etat (French Administrative Supreme Court) refused to suspend the partnership between the French State and Doctolib in the context of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

The plaintiffs had requested this suspension in summary proceedings, arguing that the safeguards provided by Amazon Web Services for data hosting were insufficient.

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11 March 2021

Cookies and trackers: Are your websites and mobile apps compliant?

When visiting a website or using mobile apps, users must be informed and give their consent before cookies or other trackers are deposited or read, unless these trackers benefit from one of the exemptions provided for by law.

Following the publication of its guidelines and recommendation on October 1, 2020, the French Data Protection Authority has given until March 31, 2021 to bring websites and mobile apps into compliance with the new rules.

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