
All publications by Thomas Caveng

Thomas Caveng

Legal Translator / Marketing Director

29 August 2016

Happy Independence Day friends from the United States of America

“July 4 ! Independence Day.

One day – out of three hundred and sixty five – to reaffirm that, in a world troubled by changing codes (and I am not talking only about computer codes), the continued emergence of new political and economic continents and subcontinents, the clash, sometimes terrible, between cultures that were so far ignored or isolated, it is fundamental to recall and cherish the emotional relationship that exists between the United States of America and Europe, between the United States of America and France of course, and between the United States of America and the City of Lyon assuredly…”

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5 August 2016

Brexit: What to Expect and How to Prepare for the ‘New Normal’

The U.K. has voted, in a popular referendum, to leave the EU. The referendum is not legally binding and the result was extremely narrow: 51.9 percent in favor of leaving, 48.1 percent in favor of remaining.

The process of leaving the EU will formally commence when the U.K. notifies the European Council of its intent to withdraw from the EU. Article 50 of the Treaty of European Union provides for the negotiation of a withdrawal agreement between the EU and the withdrawing state, defining the terms and conditions of the withdrawing state’s relationship with the EU.

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28 June 2016

The evolution of the ‘foreign partnership’ definition in South Africa

In South Africa, the determination of whether a foreign entity is a company or partnership is an important one as it subsequently determines the applicable tax treatment of the foreign entity. The issue of whether foreign entities should be recognized as foreign companies or foreign partnerships in South Africa, was recently brought into the spotlight once again by the Taxation Laws Amendment Act No. 25 of 2015.

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30 May 2016

Federal Trade Secrets Law Is Now a Reality

President Obama has now signed into law the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (“the Act”), which was passed by Congress with overwhelming bipartisan support. Effective upon the President’s signature, and applicable to any misappropriation of trade secrets on or after the date of signing, the Act creates a new federal civil remedy for trade secret misappropriation. It adds another important tool for the protection of intellectual property rights, which are often the most important assets of a business.

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