
All publications by Thomas Caveng

Thomas Caveng

Legal Translator / Marketing Director

1 March 2014

Energy reform in Mexico

These contributions provide valuable information and insights on the energy reform recently adopted in Mexico which aims at modernizing the sector without privatizing the state owned company

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1 February 2014

The Importance of Preventing Corporate Corruption

Jurisdiction: Colombia Author: David Beltran Law firm: Prietocarrizosa Subject: In Colombia, there is renewed interest in preventing corruption among individuals, which has drawn the attention of legislators and businessmen. The Anti-Corruption Statute recently issued new standards in 2011. As a result, large companies have begun studying these issues, which requires training of employees, managers and […]

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1 February 2014

The Importance of Preventing Corporate Corruption

Juridiction : Colombie Auteur : David Beltran Cabinet : Prietocarrizosa Thème : En Colombie, la prévention de la corruption bénéficie d’un regain d’intérêt tant de la part du législateur que du monde économique. La loi anticorruption a introduit de nouvelles règles en 2011 et les grandes entreprises ont commencé à prendre des mesures concrètes, notamment […]

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