
All publications by Thomas Caveng

Thomas Caveng

Legal Translator / Marketing Director

1 April 2010

End of the corsican cement legal saga : lafarge and vicat escape a fine for abusive collective dominant market position

There have always been close links between collective dominant market positions (Article L.420-2 of the French Commercial Code / Article 82 of the TEC[1]) and concerted practices (Article L.420-1 of the French Commercial Code / Article 81 of the TEC). Indeed, the existence of structural links between companies (notably in the form of concluded agreements) […]

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1 April 2010

Enforcement of the 1901 Association Law

By judgment rendered on April 6, 2010, the Chambery Court of Appeals rejected a request for dissolution of the association Olympique Croix de Savoie linked to the Evian-Thonon-Gaillard soccer club,

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