
Business Law

1 June 2012 | Soulier Avocats

Validity of a non-compete clause inserted in a commercial agency contract: assessment in concreto of the proportionality principle

Pursuant to Article L.134-14 of the French Commercial Code (hereinafter the “FCC”), a non-compete clause set forth in a commercial agency contract must, to be valid, cover a period not exceeding two years, and be limited to (i) the geographic areas and, as the case may be, the clientele, entrusted to the agent and (ii) […]

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1 April 2012 | Thomas Caveng

Should companies design and implement a compliance program (Part II)?

On February 10, 2012, the Autorité de la concurrence (French Competition Authority, hereinafter the “FCA”) published its Framework-Document on antitrust compliance programs. As underlined by the FCA, “compliance programs are instruments that enable economic players to increase their chances to avoid breaches of all kinds of rules that are applicable to their activity, including competition […]

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1 April 2012 | Laure Marolleau

Should companies design and implement a compliance program (part ii)?

On February 10, 2012, the Autorité de la concurrence (French Competition Authority, hereinafter the “FCA”) published its Framework-Document on antitrust compliance programs[1]. As underlined by the FCA, “compliance programs are instruments that enable economic players to increase their chances to avoid breaches of all kinds of rules that are applicable to their activity, including competition […]

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