
Business Law

30 January 2019 | Soulier Avocats

Amendment to the PACTE Bill: The performance of a legal audit of small businesses, a new task allotted to statutory auditors

In a previous article published in October 2018[1], we addressed the bill on business growth and transformation, known as the “PACTE Bill” in French, and commented the provisions concerning the increase of the thresholds applicable for the appointment of statutory auditors and the end of the compulsory appointment of statutory auditors in certain types of […]

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29 December 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Trade Secrets: Publication of Decree n°2018-1126 of December 11, 2018 clarifying procedural aspects

Decree n°2018-1126 of December 11, 2018 on the protection of trade secrets (the “Decree”) adopted in furtherance of Law n°2018-670 of July 30, 2018 was published in the Official Journal of the French Republic on December 13, 2018. This eagerly awaited Decree further details the procedural aspects related to the protection of trade secrets and […]

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31 October 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Generalization and liberalization of telemedicine in France

The year 2018 marks a significant shift in the deployment of telemedicine in France. Teleconsultations are henceforth reimbursed by the French Health Insurance Fund, just like “standard” consultations. This practice has also been liberalized through the repeal of the obligation to enter into contracts with regional health agencies and agreements between operators that carry out […]

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30 May 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Reform of French contract law – Ratification Law published on April 21, 2018: Main changes impacting business law

While it did not drastically alter the changes brought about by Ordinance n° 2016-131 of February 10, 2016, the Ratification Law n° 2018-287 of April 20, 2018 did modify some aspects of French contract law and introduced a distinction between substantive amendments that will become effective as from the entry into force of the Ratification […]

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