
Compliance & Regulatory

1 February 2014 | Soulier Avocats

Undeclared work / subcontracting: contractors must carefully monitor the activities of their sub-contractors

Pursuant to a Decree dated December 3, 2013, new measures to combat social-related contribution evasion are now enforceable. These measures include aggravated sanctions/penalties for contractors that do not comply with their duty of vigilance and care towards their sub-contractors who commit the offense of undeclared work.  The 2013 Social Security Finance Law n°2012-1404 of December […]

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1 April 2012 | Thomas Caveng

Should companies design and implement a compliance program (Part II)?

On February 10, 2012, the Autorité de la concurrence (French Competition Authority, hereinafter the “FCA”) published its Framework-Document on antitrust compliance programs. As underlined by the FCA, “compliance programs are instruments that enable economic players to increase their chances to avoid breaches of all kinds of rules that are applicable to their activity, including competition […]

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1 October 2011 | Laure Marolleau

Unfair capture of personal data by Les Pages Jaunes

In a deliberation dated September 21, 2011, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (French Data Protection Authority, hereinafter the “CNIL”) issued a warning against the company LES PAGES JAUNES for having captured data contained in several profiles posted on social media websites, without of the knowledge of the data subjects. In March 2010, […]

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