
Corporate Law

24 February 2016 | Soulier Avocats

The Joint venture: A tool for companies to speed up their international expansion

Faced with a sluggish domestic economy and mature markets, French companies tend to expand internationally and seek new opportunities to secure their business. The joint venture, irrespective of whether it is imposed by the ever-intensifying global competition or under local laws that require the presence of a local partner, constitutes a development tool that is […]

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27 January 2016 | Soulier Avocats

Macron Law: Publication of the Implementing Decree on the obligation to provide information to employees prior to the sale or the transfer of the business

The publication of the Implementing Decree is the final chapter of the legislative saga that resulted in the adoption of the Law on growth, economic activity and equality of economic opportunities of July 10, 2015, commonly known as the “Macron” Law. Indeed, even though the Macron Law became effective on August 8, 2015, a significant […]

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30 November 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Should dividends paid out of reserves be considered as “fruits” or “produits” for French tax law purposes?

Wherever the ownership of equity shares is dismembered, when the shareholders resolve to pay a dividend out of distributable reserves, the right of use enjoyed by the beneficial owner of the equity shares applies – unless otherwise agreed upon between the beneficial owner and the bare owner – in the form of a quasi-usufruct to […]

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29 October 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Conquering the UAE through a successful market entry strategy

Hydrocarbons, new technologies, building and civil engineering works, but also luxury tourism, renewable energies or agribusiness, the United Arab Emirates (the “UAE”) offers tremendous business opportunities for companies and such opportunities are enhanced as a result of the currently pursued policy of economic diversification[1]. In the UAE, generated profits are net of taxes and natural […]

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28 September 2015 | Soulier Avocats

The competitiveness of the French private equity and capital investment industry is reinforced with the creation of the Société de Libre Partenariat

In the current context of increasingly fierce competition between European private equity structures following the adoption of Directive 2011/61/EU, referred to as the “AIFM Directive” [1], aimed at creating an harmonized framework for alternative investment funds (“AIF”) in Europe while strengthening the protection of investors and savers, the French Government wanted to show that it […]

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