
Corporate Law

26 August 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Macron Bill: Continuation and… end of the saga?

After months of stormy debates, the Bill on growth, economic activity and equality of economic opportunity, commonly known as the “Macron Bill”, was finally enacted[1]. During such debates, we focused on the contemplated measures concerning the confidentiality of accounts, the rules governing the allocation of free shares and so-called Bons de Souscription de Parts de […]

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1 May 2014 | Jean-Luc Soulier

ALSTOM decree: economic patriotism strikes back

Pursuant to a Law dated December 28, 1966, still in effect today, “financial dealings between France and foreign countries are unrestricted”. This freedom is exercised in conditions set by the Government that may, “to ensure the defense of national interests and by way of decrees adopted on the basis of a report of the Minister […]

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1 April 2014 | Soulier Avocats

Overview of the provisions of the so-called “florange law” related to takeover bids, double voting rights and allocation of free shares

Two years after the promise made by François Hollande to the employees of ArcelorMittal, the Law aimed at recapturing the real economy, known as the “Florange Law” (the “Law”) has just been published[1]. For the record, the bill, introduced on May 15, 2013 in response to the stir caused by the closure of the blast […]

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