
Corporate Law

1 March 2014 | Soulier Avocats

Reduction of the accounting burden imposed on micro-companies and small businesses: the “shock of simplification” continues

They had promised it; they have made it: the Executive Order on the simplification of the accounting requirements imposed on micro-companies and small businesses[1] and its implementing Decree[2] have just been published. For the record, Law n°2014-1 of January 2, 2014 (the “Law”) had empowered the Government to take measures that are a matter of […]

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1 February 2014 | Soulier Avocats

Continuation of current contracts in insolvency/bankruptcy proceedings

“Any clause that amends the conditions for the continuation of a current contract by diminishing the rights or increasing the obligations of the debtor merely because the latter has been placed in receivership is prohibited”[1]. Making an extensive interpretation of the principle of continuation of current contracts enshrined in Article L.622-13 of the French Commercial […]

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1 May 2013 | Soulier Avocats

Towards a tougher legislation on hostile takeovers

Arnaud Montebourg, Minister of Industrial Renewal, has recently expressed the desire of the French Government to take new measures designed to protect French companies against hostile takeover bids. These measures, recently developed and commented by the Association Nationale des Sociétés par Actions (French association of joint stock companies, hereinafter “ANSA”)[1], primarily focus on the fight […]

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1 March 2013 | Soulier Avocats

Extension of proceedings based on commingling of assets and liabilities

As a court-made doctrine enshrined in French law in 1985[1] and again in 2005[2], the commingling of assets and liabilities, i.e. a powerful weapon against the abuse of legal personality primarily committed within corporate groups which allows to extend safeguard, receivership or liquidation proceedings to one or several other person(s) when such person(s)’(s) assets and […]

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