
Corporate Law

29 September 2020 | Soulier Avocats

Extension of the rules governing meetings of shareholders and meetings of governing bodies of private law businesses

Decree No. 2020-925 of July 29, 2020 extends until November 30, 2020 the rules that eased the procedures governing the deliberations of shareholders’ meetings.

This provides the opportunity to review the temporary and exceptional derogations set up on the basis of Law No. 2020-290 of March 25, 2020 to secure the internal operation of companies through the adaptation of the rules governing the holding and deliberations of shareholders’ meetings to the health measures imposed by COVID-19.

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1 July 2020 | Soulier Avocats

COVID-19: Legal issues, considerations and tips as of July1, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic affect billions of people worldwide and has an increasingly devastating impact on the economy.

Companies are facing new challenges and the need for practical legal advice is more important than ever. Legal concerns relate to health restrictions, corporate governance, contracts, business transactions, insurance, insolvency and others.

In order to best assist our clients in these difficult times, we have prepared a summary of the main issues that businesses may face as a result of COVID-19.

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30 June 2020 | Soulier Avocats

Private equity in France: Preferred structures and protection mechanisms available to investors

In the unprecedented context of the health crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic, private equity transactions slowed down sharply. Many funds have opted for a strategy aimed at focusing on their existing investment portfolio and supporting their investments to meet increased cash flow requirements.

This crisis also provides an opportunity to take a look back at a particularly dynamic year in 2019 for the French private equity investment market and to identify trends, both in terms of the investment methods hitherto favored by investors and in terms of the protection afforded to investors.

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29 April 2020 | Soulier Avocats

Covid-19: What consequences on foreign direct investments?

In the context of the Covid-19 epidemic and its impact on the European Union’s economy, the European Commission published on March 26, 2020 a communication designed to alert Member States to the need to protect strategic European assets from foreign direct investments.

While reaffirming the European Union’s openness to foreign investments, the European Commission encourages Member States to protect assets that cover the health needs of their citizens and, more generally, to safeguard Europe’s strategic capacities.

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29 April 2020 | Soulier Avocats

Covid-19: Extension of deadlines for the approval of the accounts of private law businesses

Adopted in furtherance of the Emergency Law No. 2020-290 of March 23, 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic, Ordinance No. 2020-318 dated March 25, 2020 adapting the rules relating to the preparation, closing, audit, review, approval and publication of accounts and other documents and information that private law legal persons and entities without legal personality are required to file or publish in the context of the covid-19 epidemic has introduced temporary exceptional derogations, particularly with regard to the approval of accounts.

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28 February 2020 | Soulier Avocats

Foreign Investment Control in France: Strengthened rules but greater clarity for investors

“France’s attractiveness improved further in 2018, despite the slowdown in global growth, economic tensions and rising protectionism”. This assessment, mentioned in the 2018 annual report on foreign investment in France issued by Business France (French Agency responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses and facilitating international investment in France) confirms France’s enhanced attractiveness in 2018.

Attractiveness, however, does not mean lack of control, provided that a simple and fast legal framework is offered to foreign investors.

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