
Corporate Law

30 November 2018 | Soulier Avocats

The new reform of groups’ tax consolidation system

For several years, the judgments of the European Court of Justice have constantly challenged certain provisions of the French General Tax Code relating to groups’ tax consolidation system. And for a good reason: The various regimes existing within the European Union restrict the freedom of establishment and none of the reasons given by the Member […]

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30 May 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Identification of beneficial owners: Publication of the Decree implementing Ordinance n°2016-1335 of December 1, 2016 that strengthens French rules against money laundering and terrorist financing

Unlisted companies and legal entities required to be incorporated with the Register of Trade and Companies (RCS) and headquartered in France (in particular branches of foreign corporations established in France) have recently come under the obligation to disclose to the clerk of the Commercial Court the identity of their beneficial owner(s) as well as the […]

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28 February 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Allocation of free shares

The 2018 Finance Act introduces changes to the tax treatment of free shares (Attributions Gratuites d’Actions or “AGA” under French law.) This provides the opportunity to review the applicable legal and tax regimes.   Beneficiaries a) The salaried employees of the company allotting the shares, or certain categories of salaried employees; b) The salaried employees […]

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30 January 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Overview of the Bons de Souscription de Parts de Créateur d’Entreprise

The 2018 Finance Act introduces changes to the tax treatment of Bons de Souscription de Parts de Créateur d’Entreprise (company founder share warrants, i.e. security giving access to share capital reserved for employees or executives of new companies, commonly referred to as “BSPCEs”). This provides the opportunity to review the legal and tax regimes applicable […]

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