The World Law Group (WLG), a network of 61 leading independent law firms with more than 430 offices in major commercial centers worldwide, to which our Firm belongs, has launched its annual network-wide ESG initiative, WLG | impact ’23.
In this context, all WLG member firms are invited to implement an ESG initiative.
Almost ten years after the Rana Plaza scandal and while many voices are being raised about human rights violations in the textile industry, the Paris Court of Appeals has recently issued a particularly interesting ruling combining corporate social responsibility and sudden termination of established business relationships.
Specifically, on March 24, 2021, it held that if a supplier fails to ensure that its subcontractors comply with its client’s code of ethics, the immediate termination of the business relationships cannot be considered as sudden within the meaning of Article L. 442-6 I §5 of the French Commercial Code.