

8 April 2020 | Soulier Avocats

Covid-19 and business contracts: Suspension and extension of contractual deadlines during the state of health emergency

One of the Ordinances adopted in furtherance of the Emergency Law of March 23, 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic provides – for a limited period of time – for (i) the suspension of the effects of clauses sanctioning contractual non-performance, and (ii) the extension of contractual deadlines for the termination or renewal of contracts.

How long does the suspension period last? Which contracts are concerned? What happens with periodic penalty payments and clauses aimed at sanctioning non-performance?

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7 April 2020 | Anaëlle Idjeri

Covid-19 and business contracts: What strategy to follow?

The current Covid-19 pandemic is affecting many economic operators operating in a variety of industrial sectors and raises questions about their ability to meet their contractual obligations.

While some wonder about the mechanisms that could be invoked to escape or adjust obligations, the performance of which has become difficult, excessively expensive or even impossible, others would like to block the implementation of such mechanisms.

The possibility for an economic operator to evade compliance with any of its obligations, to adapt it and, more generally, to be exposed to the risk of being held liable in the context of the current pandemic must be analyzed in the light of the contractual provisions and the specific features of the relationship.

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1 April 2020 | Pauline Kubat

Covid-19: French rules of civil procedure have been adapted

The Emergency Law to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic empowers the Government to take, by means of Ordinances, the adaptation measures intended to put in place health emergency arrangements.

As a result, the Government adopted 25 Ordinances on March 25, 2020. In judicial matters, several Ordinances were issued to govern the organization of courts and procedures during this crisis.

Regarding specifically the rules of civil procedure, two Ordinances have been adopted and have a significant impact on (i) applicable time-limits and the conduct of civil proceedings, and (ii) the organization/operation of courts ruling in non-criminal matters.

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31 March 2020 | Soulier Avocats

Covid-19: The main labor and employment measures provided for by the first “Covid-19 Ordinances”

Three Ordinances on labor and employment matters adopted in furtherance of the emergency health law to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic were published in the Official Gazette on Thursday March 26, 2020.

These Ordinances concern (i) derogations, subject to certain conditions, regarding paid vacation, working hours, rest days and work on Sundays, applicable until December 31, 2020, (ii) extension of the deadline for payments under mandatory and optional profit-sharing schemes to December 31, 2020, and (iii) extension of the scope of employees eligible for the supplemental allowance paid by the employer in the event of medical leave until August 31, 2020.

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25 March 2020 | Soulier Avocats

Covid-19: “Emergency” Law: The main provisions regarding labor and employment

In the context of the coronavirus health crisis, an emergency health law to deal with the covid-19 pandemic (the “Law”) was definitively voted on Sunday March 22, 2020 and published in the Official Gazette on March 24, 2020.

The Law empowers the Government to amend, by means of Ordinances and within 3 months from its publication, any measures in order to deal with the economic, financial and labor-related consequences of the spread of the pandemic, in particular with regard to labor law and social security.

The Law indeed includes a whole set of measures that are aimed at adapting labor law and that are of direct interest to employers.

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24 March 2020 | Pauline Kubat

Covid-19: What implications for civil proceedings?

For several days now, the French have been observing a strict confinement following presidential and governmental instructions to stem the spread of the Covid-19 virus. There are many concerns and uncertainties remaining as to the outcome of this international crisis.

What is the impact of this situation on the French judicial life? Here is an update on the measures taken and envisaged with regard to civil proceedings.

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