Jurisdiction: Italy Author: Labor Law Department Law firm: Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners Subject: This contribution provides valuable information on the terms of Decree n. 34/2014 that marks the first steps of a more comprehensive labor market reform announced by the new Renzi Government. Read the contribution
Juridiction : Italie Auteur : Département Droit Social Cabinet : Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners Thème : Cette contribution revient sur l’adoption du décret 34/2014, un décret marquant la première étape d’une réforme globale du marché du travail italien annoncée récemment par le nouveau gouvernement Renzi. Consulter la contribution
Jurisdiction: Colombia Author: David Beltran Law firm: Prietocarrizosa Subject: In Colombia, there is renewed interest in preventing corruption among individuals, which has drawn the attention of legislators and businessmen. The Anti-Corruption Statute recently issued new standards in 2011. As a result, large companies have begun studying these issues, which requires training of employees, managers and […]