Jean-Luc Soulier, Catherine Nommick and Véronique Vincent assisted the US Group Polaris, together with Mr. Morgan Burns, partner within the US law firm Faegre & Benson LLP,
Jean-Luc Soulier, Catherine Nommick and Véronique Vincent assisted the US Group Polaris, together with Mr. Morgan Burns, partner within the US law firm Faegre & Benson LLP,
In its ruling dated September 15, 2011, the General Court of the European Union dismissed the action brought by Lucite International Ltd and its subsidiary Lucite International
In a decision dated June 16, 2011, the General Court of the European Union (“General Court”) annulled the European Commission’s
In a press release dated June 21, 2011, the Ministry of Justice announced the introduction in the autumn of a pre-bill
Jean-Luc Soulier and Catherine Nommick provided legal advice in the framework of the reorganization in France of the Norvegian group Valco,
Since the Law of April 8, 1946, Electricité de France (“EDF”) – a state-owned company – has been enjoying a monopoly