
Firm news

30 June 2021 | André Soulier

Podcast: Jean-Marie Deveaux, a convenient scapegoat

Christophe Hondelatte, a French TV and radio journalist, interviewed André Soulier in a podcast entitled Jean-Marie Deveaux, a convenient scapegoat as part as his “Hondelatte tells” podcast series broadcasted on Europe 1, a leading French private radio station.

The so-called Jean-Marie Deveaux case, often described as one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in French criminal history, had a considerable impact because it is directly at the origin of the 1970 French Indemnification Act which provides for the indemnification of people sentenced wrongly before being cleared of all charges pursuant to a dismissal, discharge or acquittal ruling.

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28 April 2021 | Thomas Caveng

French Supreme Court puts a final end to the Barbarin case

It is with immense satisfaction that our founding partner André Soulier learnt that the appeal filed by certain members of the association La Parole Libérée against the January 30, 2020 decision of the Lyon Court of Appeals of Lyon to acquit Cardinal Barbarin, former Archbishop, had been dismissed.

It is fortunate and salutary to see that the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) recalled the importance of the concept of personality and the strict interpretation of criminal law.

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