
Firm news

28 October 2021 | Thomas Caveng

WLG ׀ impact: Our contribution to this global CSR initiative

As part of the first network-wide Corporate Social Responsibility initiative called WLG ׀ impact organized by the World Law Group, a network of 61 leading independent law firms with more than 400 offices in major commercial centers worldwide to which our Firm belongs, we decided to work with a local association called Nettoyons Lyon (literally Let’s clean up Lyon) whose purpose is to organize actions to collect, retrieve, recover and recycle abandoned waste in public or natural spaces, as well as communication and awareness actions on eco-citizen behaviors.

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30 June 2021 | André Soulier

Podcast: Jean-Marie Deveaux, a convenient scapegoat

Christophe Hondelatte, a French TV and radio journalist, interviewed André Soulier in a podcast entitled Jean-Marie Deveaux, a convenient scapegoat as part as his “Hondelatte tells” podcast series broadcasted on Europe 1, a leading French private radio station.

The so-called Jean-Marie Deveaux case, often described as one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in French criminal history, had a considerable impact because it is directly at the origin of the 1970 French Indemnification Act which provides for the indemnification of people sentenced wrongly before being cleared of all charges pursuant to a dismissal, discharge or acquittal ruling.

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