
Intellectual property

1 June 2013 | Soulier Avocats

Private copying and e-commerce: consumer information as a bulwark against distortions of competition and loss of revenue resulting from the non-payment of private copying levies?

The surge in the purchases of blank recording media (phones, external or multimedia hard drives, CD-Rs, DVD-Rs, USB devices, memory cards, GPSs, tablets, etc.) by French consumers has recently revealed the profound inadequacy of the French legislation on private copying remuneration.  The French distributors of such media as well as the company responsible for collecting […]

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1 August 2012 | Soulier Avocats

Google Suggest, a tool that can lead internet users to the path of the infringement

In a decision dated July 12, 2012[1], the First Civil Chamber of the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) held that the Google Suggest tool, that guides Internet users to sites proposing the illegal downloading of works protected by copyright, “provided the means to infringe copyright and related rights”. Google’s search engine does not simply […]

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1 December 2011 | Soulier Avocats

Trademark law and the internet: use of competitor’s trademark in the context of a paid referencing service

Trademark law and business law must permanently evolve and address new practices that emerge from the development of the Internet. It is indeed necessary to strike the appropriate balance between the interests of companies wishing to protect themselves against unfair business practices and to protect their trademark(s) and the necessity to guarantee free market competition. […]

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1 September 2011 | Soulier Avocats

The Cour de Cassation confirms the exception to the concept of exhaustion of a trademark proprietor’s rights

In a judgment dated May 24, 2011[1], the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) recalled that the proprietor of a trademark can, if it has legitimate reasons, oppose further sale of its products even when products have been previously marketed by it – or with its consent – with the European Union or European Economic […]

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