
Labor & Employment

29 December 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Reclassification of the contract between a delivery rider and a digital platform: A strong message sent by the Cour de Cassation

In an eagerly awaited judgment handed down on November 28, 2018 that will undoubtedly become a landmark decision[1], the Labor Chamber of the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) ruled for the first time on the legal classification of the agreement between a deliverer and a digital platform. While the majority of the lower courts […]

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30 November 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Labor law and the challenges of Artificial Intelligence: 3rd part of a trilogy

Digital technology has already changed working methods. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), we are just at the beginning of a unparallel transformation that will affect not only the labor and employment market but also working relationships. What does exactly mean AI’s impact on working relationships? When we say working relationships, it implies labor […]

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28 September 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Labor law and the challenges of Artificial Intelligence : 2nd part of a trilogy

Digital technology has already changed working methods. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), we are just at the beginning of a unparallel transformation that will affect not only the labor and employment market but also working relationships. What does exactly mean AI’s impact on working relationships? When we say working relationships, it implies labor […]

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29 June 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Labor law and the challenges of Artificial Intelligence : 1st part of a trilogy

Digital technology has already changed working methods. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), we are just at the beginning of a unparallel transformation that will affect not only the labor and employment market but also working relationships. What does exactly mean AI’s impact on working relationships? When we say working relationships, it implies labor […]

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30 May 2018 | Soulier Avocats

Focus on the Social and Economic Committee, the new employee representative body created by Ordinance n°2017-1386

The merger of the various employee representative bodies into a single one called “Social and Economic Committee” (“SEC”) is one of the flagship measures of Macron Ordinance n°2017-1386 dated September 22, 2017. While it was already possible to aggregate all the employee representative bodies, in particular under the so-called “Single Staff Representation” mechanism, this is […]

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