
Labor & Employment

29 November 2016 | Soulier Avocats

Has the so-called “Work Law” made dismissals on economic grounds more secure?

In our October 2016 e-newsletter, we addressed forfait working time arrangements, an important element of the so-called “Work Law” of August 8, 2016[1]. This month, we will focus on an even more sensitive issue raised by said Law: Dismissals on economic grounds. It is clear that through successive reforms, the French legislator, navigating by sight […]

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28 October 2016 | Soulier Avocats

Recently adopted “Work Law”: A new secured way to enter into forfait working time arrangements if the provisions of the applicable collective agreement on employees’ workload are insufficient

Law of August 8, 2016 on Work, Modernization of Social dialogue and Securing Professional Careers, often referred to as the “Work Law”, addresses most areas of French labor and employment law. It includes significant provisions on collective negotiation and the enshrinement of company-wide collective agreements, and makes so-called forfait jours and forfait heures working time […]

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30 May 2016 | Soulier Avocats

Measures concerning dismissals on economic grounds included in the so-called El-Khomri Bill: Much ado about nothing?

The objective of the so-called “El-Khomri Bill” – as was the objective of the so-called “Macron Law”, clearly not fully achieved – was to make French labor and employment law more flexible, in particular to increase the attractiveness of the French marketplace in the eyes of foreign investors. Despites the significant changes that have been […]

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27 April 2016 | Soulier Avocats

Mandatory and optional profit-sharing schemes: What changes in 2016?

Law n°2015-990 of August 6, 2015, commonly referred to as the “Macron Law” has amended a number of provisions applicable to mandatory profit-sharing schemes (participation) and optional profit-sharing schemes (intéressement). The amended provisions come into force in 2016. This article provides an overview of the key changes. 1. Alignment of the deadline for payment of […]

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31 March 2016 | Soulier Avocats

The new contours of employers’ liability with respect to the health and safety of employees

Did you say obligation de résultat with respect to safety in the workplace? This is an extremely burdensome obligation that employers have towards their employees, an obligation that was enshrined by the so-called “asbestos” decisions rendered by the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) that made this obligation an absolute one. Since then, in labor […]

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