
Labor & Employment

27 January 2016 | Soulier Avocats

Do the new rules governing the obligation to search for redeployment opportunities outside the national territory introduced by the Macron Law really alleviate the burden on businesses or is this pure demagogy?

Any and all French companies are required to search for redeployment opportunities before being entitled to dismiss an employee on economic grounds. This search must be carried out not only within the company itself but also within the group to which it belongs, both in France and abroad. Law n° 2015-990 of August 6, 2015, […]

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23 December 2015 | Soulier Avocats

So-called Florange: From a pipe dream to reality: Large companies and groups now do have the actual obligation to search for a buyer wherever they intend to close down a site in France

In our April 2014 e-newsletter, we reported the enactment of Law n°2014-384 of March 29, 2014 aimed at recapturing the real economy, commonly referred to as the “Florange” Law, that notably imposed on companies or groups with at last 1,000 employees the obligation to search for a buyer wherever they intend to close down a […]

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30 November 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Companies subject to the so-called SYNTEC collective bargaining agreement should welcome a recent decision of the Cour de Cassation concerning the termination of trial periods

A decision handed down by the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) on September 16, 2015 (n° 14-16.713) provides an answer to a problem that arose in connection with the termination of a trial period for which the company had to comply with both the “délai de prévenance” (i.e. an advance notice period that must […]

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28 September 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Focus on the employment measures contemplated by the so-called “Macron Law”: The liberalization of the economy and the flexibilization of the labor market are still a long way off!

The so-called “economic growth and activity” Bill, commonly known as the “Macron Bill”, was adopted on July 10 by the French Parliament, after a long and turbulent process. Published on August 7, the “Macron Law” came into force on August 8, even though the implementation of many measures is conditioned upon the publication of implementing […]

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28 September 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Itinerant employees: A new concern on the horizon!

A judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) dated September 10, 2015 (C-266/14) is creating confusion while things could already be considered as cloudy in France in terms of working time duration. This judgment is likely to create a new source of litigation for companies that employ itinerant employees. This judgment, […]

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26 August 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Employers have the obligation to ensure the safety of their employees who are on assignment or on travel in a foreign country

A quick look at the website of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, in particular, at the travel advice Section of this website, is sufficient to understand that employees on assignment in a foreign country face multiple risks, such as crime, extreme weather conditions, terrorist attacks, epidemics, volcanic activity, conflicts, kidnappings, etc. The reality […]

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