
Labor & Employment

26 June 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Accounting of small Works Councils: New requirements to be met in 2015

Law n°2014-288 of March 5, 2014 on occupational training, employment and social democracy has introduced in the French Labor Code new obligations for Works Councils with respect to financial transparency. Applicable obligations vary according to the size of the Works Councils. Implementation Decrees n°2015-357 and n°2015-358 were published on March 27, 2015 and the French […]

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28 April 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Posting of employees in France: A decree dated March 30, 2015 has finally clarified the obligations and liabilities imposed on employers and user companies that became effective on April 1, 2015

Law n° 2014-790 of July 10, 2014 on combating unfair labor competition had supplemented the existing scheme aimed at regulating the conditions in which foreign workers are temporarily posted in France and, in particular, imposed on user companies and clients an obligation of vigilance with respect to housing conditions and labor legislation. Decree n°2015-364 of […]

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30 March 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Good news! Amicable termination is expanding in today’s French working world: The rupture conventionnelle now prevails over standard dismissals and resignations

Created in 2008, the rupture conventionnelle – an alternative means of terminating the employment contract which replaces standard dismissals or resignations – is a growing success. It must be said that French case-law has considerably extended the horizons of the possible and – for once in labor law – French courts develop a very liberal […]

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25 February 2015 | Soulier Avocats

Expenses paid by a company for the defense of one of its employees sued for actions carried out in the exercise of his/her duties: business expenses or personal expense of the employee subject to social-related contributions?

In a decision dated October 18, 2006 (decision n° 04-48.612), the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) established the principle that an employer has the obligation to provide legal protection to an employee who had to defend himself/herself in proceedings initiated against him/her for facts or actions related to the performance of his/her professional duties. […]

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22 December 2014 | Soulier Avocats

The Macron Bill: Will it help France make its labor market more flexible and reassure investors? Between dreams and realities…

The so-called “economic growth and activity” Bill, commonly known as the “Macron Bill” [1] (the “Bill”) addresses issues as diverse as Sunday working, the reform of the Labor Courts, legal professions, coach transportation, dismissals on economic grounds, and the transfer of State-owned assets and State ownership interests. It was submitted to the Council of Ministers […]

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