
Labor & Employment

1 April 2014 | Soulier Avocats

Adoption of the so-called florange law: should the new obligation to search for a buyer imposed on companies intending to shut down a site be a cause for concern?

In our December 2013 e-newsletter, we announced the forthcoming publication of the so-called “Florange” Law that notably imposes on companies and groups with at least 1,000 employees that intend to close down a site the obligation to search for a buyer. This has now been done… after three months of parliamentary vicissitudes! Even though the […]

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1 February 2014 | Soulier Avocats

Undeclared work / subcontracting: contractors must carefully monitor the activities of their sub-contractors

Pursuant to a Decree dated December 3, 2013, new measures to combat social-related contribution evasion are now enforceable. These measures include aggravated sanctions/penalties for contractors that do not comply with their duty of vigilance and care towards their sub-contractors who commit the offense of undeclared work.  The 2013 Social Security Finance Law n°2012-1404 of December […]

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1 December 2013 | Soulier Avocats

Focus on the so-called florange bill: will it help keep industrial sites in france or, on the contrary, foster the flight of investment?

Adopted on October 1, 2013 by the National Assembly under the fast-track legislative procedure, the Bill aimed at “restoring prospects for the real economy and industrial employment”, known as the Florange Bill (the “Bill”), imposes on companies intending to close down a site the obligation to search for a buyer and provides for financial penalties […]

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1 November 2013 | Soulier Avocats

Objective categories of personnel eligible to company-sponsored supplemental death and disability insurance schemes

French rules governing company-sponsored death and disability insurance schemes and supplemental retirement schemes have substantially evolved over the years.  French Tax and Social Authorities have increasingly challenged the collective and mandatory nature of death and disability insurance schemes and supplemental retirement schemes implemented within companies, i.e. two essential criteria allowing businesses to benefit from tax […]

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