
Labor & Employment

1 May 2009 | Soulier Avocats

The national multi-industry agreement on work-related stress: giving it the force of law and the practical consequences for companies

The National Multi-Industry Agreement (NMA) dated July 2, 2008 on stress in the workplace has been given the force of law by Decree dated April 23, 2009, published in the Official Journal of May 6, 2009. The terms of this agreement now apply to all companies regardless of their staff size. This means that companies, […]

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1 April 2009 | Soulier Avocats

Company-sponsored supplemental welfare insurance schemes: a new source of risks for companies

While companies have always had interest to be extremely vigilant with respect to company-sponsored supplemental welfare insurance schemes in order to be able to negotiate the corresponding contracts in the best conditions or regularly amend the same over the years to respond to changing needs, they must now ensure that all such contracts fully comply […]

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1 February 2009 | Soulier Avocats

Executive – executive officer – legal representative Any confusion between these notions may result in a costly litigation

Among the changes brought by the so-called Aubry Laws dated June 13, 1998 and January 19, 2000, it is worth noting the introduction in the French Labor Code (“FLC”) of a legal definition of three categories of executive employees. It was hoped that the provisions setting forth the working time applicable to each defined category […]

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1 January 2009 | Soulier Avocats

Law n° 2008-1258 on Labor Income dated December 3, 2008 Social Security Finance Act 2009 n° 2008-1330 dated December 17, 2008

There are traditionally significant labor law developments at the beginning of a calendar year. The Law on Labor Income presents a real interest for companies with respect to employee savings schemes and substantially amends the rules governing mandatory profit-sharing plans by definitively authorizing the immediate release of the sums earned under such plans. The Social […]

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1 November 2008 | Soulier Avocats

Law of May 27, 2008 on Anti-discrimination : direct consequences for companies

Law n°2008-496 of May 27, 2008 transposing into national law various EC provisions to fight discrimination Law n°2008-496 of May 27, 2008 (the “Law”) transposed five European Directives relating to equal treatment: Directive 2000-43 of June 29, 2000, Directive 2000-78 of November 27, 2000, Directive 2002-73 of September 23, 2002, Directive 2004-113 of December 13, […]

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1 October 2008 | Soulier Avocats

Working time reform

Law n°2008-789 dated August 20, 2008 know as the Law for the renovation of the social democracy and modification of the legal working time(published in the Journal Officiel on August 21, 2008) Enacted to achieve government’s objective to soften working time regulations, the Law of August 20, 2008 (the “Law”) amended the rules governing overtime […]

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