
Labor & Employment

1 April 2007 | Soulier Avocats

Recent Developments in Labor and Employment Law: a new right for employees – a new financial aid for small and medium-sized companies

1. Family Support Leave Introduced by the Social Security Finance Act of 2007, the family support leave has become a reality after the publication of Decree n° 2007-573 dated April 18, 2007. Employees may now reduce working time or stop working for a few months to take care of a dependant relative: spouse, common-law spouse, […]

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1 March 2007 | Soulier Avocats

Geographical mobility of employees

Just like numerous other clauses in employment agreements, provisions addressing the issues of employees’ place of work and employees’ geographical mobility have been at the center of several landmark decisions. This led us to address this subject and provide a status report on the possibilities which are now offered to employers when dealing with employees’ […]

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1 February 2007 | Soulier Avocats

Non-competition clause in employment contracts

Non-competition clauses have been at the center of several landmark decisions, including the decision rendered on July 10, 2002 by the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) which established that any and all non-competition obligations imposed on an employee must have a financial counterpart. Another landmark decision was rendered on November 15, 2006, which led […]

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1 January 2007 | Soulier Avocats

The latest reform of employee savings schemes provides companies with new opportunities

The Law n°2006-1770 on the development of employee savings schemes and employee share ownership schemes contains several social measures. It was published in the Journal Officiel on December 31, 2006.  1. The new Article L. 444-12 of the French Labor Code now provides companies the possibility to contribute extra into the incentive or profit-sharing schemes […]

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1 December 2006 | Soulier Avocats

Have your options with regard to working hours decreased or increased your risks under French labor law?

During the various assignments performed on behalf of companies, such as consultations or Labor due diligence investigations, we often noted either (i) irregularities exposing the company to significant risks, including at the criminal level, or (ii) a “standard management” of working hours, which is not necessarily the most appropriate method for the needs of the […]

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1 October 2006 | Soulier Avocats

Are the benefits of settlement agreements questioned by the new limits on tax and social exemptions?

As from January 1, 2006, the exemption caps on indemnities paid upon the termination of employment agreements were considerably decreased.  Specifically, for indemnities paid upon a dismissal, any amount below 186,408 € is exempt from income tax and social contributions (which is six times the annual limit set forth by the Social Security Administration), and […]

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