
Legal Insights

1 December 2008 | Thomas Caveng

New competition authority up and running as from January 1, 2009

Article 95 of the Law 2008-776 dated August 4, 2008 known as the Law for the Modernization of the Economy (the “LME”) established a new competition authority called Autorité de la concurrence (the “Competition Authority”). Ordinance 2008-1161 of November 13, 2008 (the “Ordinance”) implemented the creation of this Competition Authority which is vested with expanded […]

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1 November 2008 | Soulier Avocats

The corrective finance law No. 2008-1061 of October 16, 2008 to stimulate the economy: the plan to guarantee the interbank market and strenghten credit

The Corrective Finance Bill to stimulate the economy, presented by the prime minister during the Council of Ministers last October 13, was enacted on October 16, 2008 and published in the Official Journal of the French Republic on October 17, 2008. This new law aims at restoring confidence in the banking and financial system, and […]

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1 October 2008 | Soulier Avocats

Reform of the law regarding commercial real estate leases under the “LME” law No. 2008-776 og August 4, 2008

The law on economic modernization was published in the Official Journal on August 5, 2008. The objectives set forth in the text of this law are to modernize the economy at its core in order to stimulate growth, employment, and consumer purchasing power.  With the possible exception of decrees applicable to certain particular measures, the […]

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1 April 2008 | Soulier Avocats

Enforcement of law N°2005-82 on the pre-emption right in relation to the sale of commercial and artisanal business and the assignment of the lease pertaining to such business

Pursuant to Article 58 of the Law n°2005-82 of August 2, 2005 (codified in Articles L. 214-1 to L. 214-3 of the French Code of Urban Planning) municipalities can exercise a pre-emption right in relation to the contemplated transfer of commercial and artisanal businesses in order to maintain the presence of small shops in downtown […]

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1 November 2007 | Thomas Caveng

Jean-Luc Soulier assisted PolyPeptide Laboratories Group

Jean-Luc Soulier assisted PolyPeptide Laboratories Group, a leading global provider of custom and generic GMP-grade peptides in connection with the acquisition of the company NeoMPS, a peptide manufacturing group operating two facilities in Strasbourg (France) and San Diego (USA), from Isochem, the fine chemicals subsidiary of the French Group SNPE.

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1 November 2007 | Jean-Luc Soulier

Generic plant protection products

What actions may be taken in the framework of a request for market authorization relating to a generic plant protection product before the expiration of the industrial property title (patent, supplementary protection certificate (“SPPC”)) owned by the manufacturer of the reference product? According to Article L. 613-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code (“FIPC”), if […]

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