Kluwer Law International, a leading publishing company, has recently announced the release of the fourth edition of the International Business Acquisitions, a desk reference book to which contributed many firms of the World Law Group.
While the technological details of securing data such as encryption, firewalls and “access control mechanisms” might command the attention of data protection lawyers and industry specialists alike, many data breaches originate from simple human error. This is reflected in the case studies from the 2013 Annual Report of the Irish Data Protection Commissioner.
Law applicable to disputes arising from commercial agency agreements, by Claire Perez, newsletter of the Illinois State Bar Association’s Section on Intellectual Property Law, January 2014.
Soulier Avocats has authored the Establishing a business in France Guide edited by the leading British legal publisher Practical Law. This Guide, edited in the form of a Q&A guide, addresses all key issues facing foreign investors wishing to set up a business in France and constitutes a working reference material to the business environment […]
L’enfer législatif est pavé de bonnes intentions… idéologiques, by Jean-Luc Soulier, La Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires, June 2013. Read the article (in French). This article has been adapted from the article entitled “The road to legislative hell is paved with good… ideological… intentions” published in our April 2013 e-newsletter.