
Experts' contributions

26 September 2019

2019-2020 Report on Global Trade Policy

This Report provides an overview on top trade policy priorities and challenges in several WLG member jurisdictions, outlining the overall approach country-by-country on international trade and specifying concrete policy measures applied such as new tariffs, sanctions and FDI control.

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12 September 2019

The African Continental Free Trade Agreement: A New Thrust with Endless Potentials for Intra-African and International Trade

The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (“AfCFTA”) is by far one of the most ambitious economic steps that Africa has ever taken as a Continent. The Agreement opens up doors to a market of 1.2 billion people (estimated by the African Union to increase to 2.5 billion by 2050) with a combined GDP estimated by the International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) at $2.5 trillion and a combined consumer and business spending equally estimated by the IMF at more than $4 trillion.

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28 May 2019

The Countdown is on! Changes to Canadian Trademark Law Coming June 2019

Significant changes are underway to Canadian trademark law and practice this year with an overhaul to legislation taking effect on June 17, 2019. Canada will accede to the Madrid Protocol, Nice Classification and Singapore Treaty, and there will be significant amendments to its Trademarks Act. These changes will impact filing, prosecution and maintenance, as well as trademark enforcement. Brand owners are advised to review their trademark portfolios and protection strategy in Canada in light of these developments. In particular, there might be significant cost savings to filing or renewing marks before the changes come into force.

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