
Compliance Information Center

Soulier Avocats assists companies of all sizes and from all industries in connection with any legal and/or judicial issues related to compliance, business ethics and risk prevention.

Over the years, risk management has become a major issue for companies that have been faced for decades with an increased criminalization of their activities and an explosion of new and increasingly complex regulations in a growing number of areas.

This regulatory hell is paved with good intentions. There can be no State of Law without rules that are enforceable against everyone: Free competition where the dice are not loaded, a society where everyone’s freedom is protected and corruption is fought, in a global environment increasingly polluted by kleptocracies and rogue States.

Compliance has gained prominence in France since the adoption in 2016 of the Sapin 2 Law which imposed ethical rules largely inspired by the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials.

These rules require companies to implement complex internal monitoring and control systems following the recommendations of the French Anti-Corruption Agency created by the Sapin 2 Law. The adoption of these systems first requires risk mapping.

The purpose of our Compliance Information Center is to inform companies about the compliance measures and systems that they must absolutely adopt.

Our firm, because of our wide range of practice areas and our international culture, is particularly well-equipped to help companies take up this important challenge.

Jean-Luc Soulier, Managing Patner

Claire Filliatre, Counsel

What is compliance ?

Compliance is the set of processes designed to ensure that a company, its managers and its employees comply with the legal and ethical standards that apply to them.
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Preventing risks of corruption is an obligation

Soulier Avocats assists all organizations subject to the provisions of the Sapin 2 Law in the development and implementation of a comprehensive anti-corruption program.
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Risk mapping

Soulier Avocats assist its clients in the preparation of a risk map that meets all applicable legal requirements, using a methodological approach inspired by the latest recommendations of the French Anti-Corruption Agency.
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Code of conduct

Soulier Avocats assists companies and corporate groups operating in a wide range of industries in the preparation of a code of conduct defining and illustrating the different types of risk situation and proscribed conduct .
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Internal whistleblowing system

Soulier Avocats assists its clients at each step of the creation and implementation of an appropriate internal whistleblowing system that complies with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
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Training and awareness programs

Soulier Avocats assists companies and corporate groups in the design and implementation of appropriate anti-corruption awareness and training programs to encourage the adoption of the company's values and culture of integrity and to limit risky situations and conducts.
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Third-party due diligence

Soulier Avocats assists its clients in the design and implementation of due diligence procedures to assess the situation of third parties, using a multi-phase methodological approach inspired by the latest recommendations of the French Anti-Corruption Agency.
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Disciplinary system

Soulier Avocats assists companies and corporate groups in the development and implementation of an appropriate disciplinary system to sanction any violation of the code of conduct.
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Anticorruption accounting controls

Soulier Avocats accompagne sociétés et groupes de sociétés opérant en tout secteur d’activité dans l’élaboration, le déploiement et l’optimisation de procédures de contrôles comptables permettant d’assurer la prévention et à la détection des faits de corruption.
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Internal control and assessment

Soulier Avocats assists its clients in the development and implementation of a customized internal control and assessment system that complies with the recommendations of the French Anti-Corruption Agency and allows for the monitoring, evaluation and improvement of anti-corruption measures and procedures implemented.
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