

Soulier Avocats assists its French and foreign clients on the full range of issues that may arise in connection with domestic corporate laws and regulations.

Incorporation of commercial and civil companies/nonprofit associations/endowment funds:

  • Legal and tax optimization of the business structure,
  • Preparation of articles of association, by-laws and shareholders’ agreements,
  • Completion of legally required formalities.

Routine corporate secretarial works for listed and non-listed companies:

  • Approval of annual accounts and financial statements,
  • Amendments to articles of incorporation and by-laws,
  • Change and/or removal of salaried and non-salaried managers.

Equity transactions:

  • Share capital increases and decreases,
  • Issuance of securities,
  • Profit-sharing and incentive plans for employees and/or corporate officers (free allocation of shares, stock-options, share subscription or purchase options).

Internal reorganizations:

  • Mergers, split-offs, demergers,
  • Transfers of assets,
  • Winding-up, global transfer of assets and liabilities (known as Transmission Universelle de Patrimoineor “TUP” under French law), voluntary liquidation.