
Collective Labor Relationships

Soulier Avocats assists its clients on all issues arising from their relationship with staff representative bodies and trade unions (including in relation to the so-called délit d’entrave, i.e. a criminal offense that consists in any action to intentionally obstruct the establishment, election and functioning of the staff representative bodies and trade unions).

We provide legal assistance in the framework of professional elections, the proper functioning of the various staff representative bodies (e.g. communications to be made to the trade unions, meetings, appointments of representatives, operating budget and budgets allocated to social and cultural activities, etc.).

We advise our clients in collective negotiations on a large variety of subject-matters, e.g. mandatory annual negotiations, working time organization, including so-called forfait jours working time arrangements (i.e. arrangements according to which working time is not counted in hours but is based on a fixed number of working days per year), prevention of stress at work, agreements on gender equality in the workplace, action plans for senior employees, mandatory and optional profit-sharing plans, agreements on time savings accounts, so called increased dividend related bonus, generation contracts, occupational training, etc.).

We also help our clients deal with the Labor Inspection Authorities (assistance in case of unannounced inspections at the workplace, drafting of letters in response to the Authorities’ comments, etc.).