Published on 29 April 2021 by Soulier Avocats

Infographic on the key figures of the audit activities of the French Anticorruption Agency published in its 2020 annual report

The French Anticorruption Agency (Agence Française Anticorruption, hereinafter “AFA”) published its 2020 annual report in March 2021[1].

This provides the opportunity to review the key figures of its audit activities in one infographic, four years after its creation by the Law of December 9, 2016 on transparency, fight against corruption and modernization of economic life, known as the “Sapin II” Law.

While these figures help us identify a trend concerning the types of audits carried out and the entities concerned, the AFA could in the future extend these audits by deciding to subject more companies to the compliance scheme, as it seems to envisage in its latest guidelines[2].

Key figures of the AFA’s audit activities in 2020
Key figures of the AFA’s audit activities in 2020
Key figures of the AFA’s audit activities since its creation in 2017

Download this infographic in PDF format

[1] (available only in French on the date hereof)

[2] Cf. our article entitled The French Anticorruption Agency publishes its new guidelines published on our Blog in February 2021