The change in the method of allocation of profits between the shareholders provided for in the company’s by-laws does not constitute a gift
The change in the method of allocation of profits between the shareholders provided for in the company’s
The change in the method of allocation of profits between the shareholders provided for in the company’s
To restore the competitiveness of French businesses, the Government has adopted a national growth pact
In this contribution originally published in the January 2013 edition of Edge, John Bode analyses the new challenges generated by the arrival of smartphones in the workplace.
Article 1843-4 of the French Civil Code stipulates that “In all cases concerning the transfer of a shareholder’s shares or the buyback of such shares by the company, the value of the shares shall be determined, in case of a dispute, by an expert appointed either by the parties or, in the absence of an […]
Asked to issue a preliminary ruling on the scope of application of the so-called de minimis Notice of the European Commission
André Soulier, former 1st Deputy Major of Lyon and former Chair of the Human Rights Sub-Committee of the European Parliament, was a guest speaker