
Legal Insights

30 May 2024

European Ecodesign Regulation definitively adopted

The European Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) was adopted by the European Parliament on April 23, 2024 and by the Council on May 27, 2024. This regulation establishes a general framework for the introduction of environmental sustainability standards for most products placed on the European market.

It replaces the existing Ecodesign Directive and extends its scope beyond energy products to all types of products placed on the EU market.

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28 May 2024

Choose France 2024: France’s attractiveness still at its highest

The 7th Choose France Summit, held on May 13, 2024, brought together nearly 200 foreign business leaders of 40 different nationalities. 56 foreign investment projects were announced, representing a total of €15 billion and 10,000 jobs.

Created in 2018 by President Emmanuel Macron, Choose France aims at highlighting the importance of international investment and presenting to international companies the reforms carried out by the French Government to promote economic growth on its territory.

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27 May 2024

Related rights and press publishers: Google fined €250 million

Google has agreed to pay a substantial new fine of €250 million to the French Competition Authority for failing to comply with its commitments regarding related rights (also known as neighboring rights).

Law No. 2019-775 of July 24, 2019 “on the creation of related rights for the benefit of news agencies and press publishers”, that transposed Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market, aims at ensuring fair compensation for news agencies and press publishers when their contents are reused on online platforms.

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10 April 2024

Companies in the process of incorporation: Formality requirements governing the assumption of pre-incorporation contracts are abolished

In three rulings issued on November 29, 2023, published in the Information Bulletin and Annual Report of the Cour de cassation (French Supreme Court), the Commercial Chamber of said Court reversed it case law on the requirements governing the assumption of pre-incorporation contracts.

In so doing, the Commercial Chamber wished to put an end to the undesirable effects caused by parties wishing to evade their commitments, which results in the weakening of companies during the start phase of their business activities and of third-party contracting parties who have not debtor to turn to in the event of cancellation of the relevant contract(s).

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8 April 2024

Latest news in French labor and employment

In recent weeks, the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) has issued a number of rulings providing useful clarification on issues that are important to companies and their corporate officers.

These rulings concern inter alia the employer’s inexcusable fault, the signature of mutual separation agreements, harmful management practices and serious misconduct, and automatic compensation for breach of the employees’ right to rest.

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