
Legal Insights

24 December 2020

Hazardous mixtures and health emergency, are you ready for the January 1, 2021 deadline?

Companies placing hazardous mixtures on the market have to submit information about these mixtures to specific bodies appointed by European Union Member States. Poison centers use this information to give medical advice in case of an emergency.

The notification requirement, based on Annex VIII to the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation, applies from 1 January 2021.

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24 December 2020

The impact of COVID-19 on commercial lease agreements

The closure of many companies since the first lockdown in March 2020 and the resulting economic slowdown have caused high tensions between lessors and lessees of commercial premises. Some tensions escalated to disputes, some of which have already been brought before French courts.

Law No. 2020-1379 of November 14, 2020 authorizing the extension of the state of health emergency and introducing various measures to manage the health crisis (the “Law”) has supplemented the measures taken as early as in March 2020 by the French Government concerning the performance of commercial leases agreements.

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24 December 2020

Co-employment within corporate groups: A new definition for an exceptional situation

In a ruling issued on November 25, 2020, the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) reaffirmed the exceptional nature of co-employment by giving a new definition of its constituent elements.

This more restrictive definition, which reinforces the exceptional nature of the situation of co-employment, should have a deterrent effect on employees wishing to rely on this concept in court.

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27 November 2020

Personal Data: Carrefour fined in excess of 3 million euros

Having received several complaints against the Carrefour group, the French Data Protection Authority carried out inspections between May and July 2019 at Carrefour France (mass retail sector) and Carrefour Banque (banking sector).

During these inspections, it found a number of breaches in the processing of customer and potential user data, and consequently imposed a 2,250,000 euros fine on Carrefour France and a 800,000 euros fine on Carrefour Banque. The breaches mainly concerned the information provided to individuals and the respect for the rights of such individuals.

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24 November 2020

Second wave of COVID -19: Telework is the rule

In a Q&A posted on its website and updated on November 17, 2020, the French Ministry of Labor provides details on teleworking in the context of the “second wave” of the COVID 19 pandemic.
While in the previous versions of the health protocol telework was “recommended”, it must, since October 29, 2020, be generalized for all activities that allow it.

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