
Legal Insights

19 June 2020

Covid-19 – Criminal liability of employers: A real mitigation or a simple reminder of the principle of individualization of penalties?

On May 11, 2020, the state of health emergency was extended through the adoption of Law No. 2020-546 which supplemented existing provisions. One of the purposes of this legislation is to mitigate the employer’s liability in the event of infection or exposure to infection by the Covid-19.

Indeed, many companies had to continue operating since the outbreak of the crisis, thereby exposing employees to the risk of infection. In the event of infection of one of them by the virus, the employer, i.e. both the natural person who is at the head of the company and the company itself as legal entity, may be held liable.

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16 June 2020

International Corruption: Issuance of a circular on France’s criminal policy

On June 2, 2020, the French Minister of Justice sent to all competent public prosecutors a circular for immediate application specifying France’s “criminal justice policy in the fight against international corruption”.

This circular sets out guidelines for legal action at all stages of criminal proceedings, from the information gathering stage to the determination of the mode of prosecution.

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1 June 2020

Covid-19 and the “StopCovid” app

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and more specifically the so-called “lockdown-lifting” strategy, the French Government decided to implement an app called “StopCovid” available on smartphones, the aim of which is to alert its users that they have been in close proximity to people who have been tested positive for COVID-19 and who use the same app, as this proximity entails a risk of transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

This is one of the digital devices implemented by the Government as part of this overall “lockdown-lifting” strategy.

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29 May 2020

The Paris Commercial Court rules that Covid-19 is to be considered as a force majeure event

On May 20, the President of the Paris Commercial Court, ruling in summary proceedings, considered that the requirements for establishing the existence of force majeure provided for in the framework agreement signed by EDF and Total Direct Energy were met and ordered EDF to accept the suspension of this framework agreement.

Before being discussed before the Commercial Court, the force majeure clause had already been debated during summary

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29 May 2020

International child abduction

Removing a child abroad without the permission of the other parent or in the absence of a court order can be a decision with far-reaching consequences. However, such situations are becoming increasingly frequent.

A parent may not deprive a child of his/her family environment and consequently of the presence of the other parent with impunity.

International cooperation has been organized through the adoption of bilateral or multilateral conventions to provide an efficient response to parents whose child has been abducted or retained.

The ultimate question that arises in every situation is as follows: what is in the child’s best interests?

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26 May 2020

Covid-19 – Force majeure or hardship: You do not have to choose

Can a party to a commercial contract escape its obligations because of the economic disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic?

The answer to this question, which is of the utmost interest to companies of all sizes, is to be found in the new French contract law introduced by Ordinance of February 10, 2016.

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