
Legal Insights

27 September 2019

The French Data Protection Authority releases new guidelines for cookies

The French Data Protection Authority (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés or “CNIL”) receives many individual and collective complaints (La Quadrature du Net, Privacy International, NOYB) relating to online marketing. In 2018, 21% of the complaints were related to marketing in the broad sense. Meanwhile, online marketing professionals and their representatives are seeking to better understand their obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation. Pending the adoption of the forthcoming ePrivacy Regulation, the CNIL has released new guidelines.

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27 September 2019

What are the Labor implications of the so-called PACTE Law?

Definitively adopted on April 11, 2019, the Law on business growth and transformation, known as the “PACTE” Law, reforms the workforce thresholds and amends the rules governing employee savings schemes in many respects.
This article provides an overview of the main provisions of the Law that have implications for the French labor and employment landscape.

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27 September 2019

Property ownership tax and commercial lease: Who should pay ?

The property ownership tax (taxe foncière) is a local tax levied once a year by municipalities. To calculate the amount of the tax, tax authorities use the cadastral rental value of the property. This base is then multiplied by the tax rate set by each municipality. Any owner of a real estate property is liable for the property ownership tax. However, while the owner is effectively legally liable for this tax, it is permissible, under a commercial lease agreement, for the latter to pass all or part of the burden of this tax to the lessee of the property. But what exactly does the law say?

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12 September 2019

Screening of foreign direct investments by the European Union

Regulation (EU) 2019/452 of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 19, 2019 establishing a framework for the screening of foreign direct investments into the European Union entered into force on April 10, 2019. It will automatically apply in EU Member States from October 11, 2020. The objective of this new Regulation is to create cooperation mechanisms between Member States on the one hand, and between Member States and the European Commission on the other hand, in order to control foreign direct investments in sensible European business sectors.

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