
Legal Insights

29 June 2023

European Commission proposes stronger rules to fight corruption in the EU and worldwide

On May 3, 2023, the European Commission presented proposals that represent a milestone in the fight against corruption at national and EU levels.

The proposed measures aim to prevent corruption and create a culture of integrity, criminalize all corruption offences under the United Nations Convention against Corruption, harmonize penalties across the European Union and establish a dedicated common foreign and security policy sanctions regime to target serious acts of corruption worldwide.

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21 June 2023

WLG | impact ’23: Local steps to global impact

The World Law Group (WLG), a network of 61 leading independent law firms with more than 430 offices in major commercial centers worldwide, to which our Firm belongs, has launched its annual network-wide ESG initiative, WLG | impact ’23.

In this context, all WLG member firms are invited to implement an ESG initiative.

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30 May 2023

The Paris Judicial Court approved two new French-style Deferred Prosecution Agreements on May 17, 2023

Two new Conventions Judiciaires d’Intérêt Public (French-style Deferred Prosecution Agreements, hereinafter “CJIPs”) have been published on the website of the Ministry of Justice, following their approval by the Paris Judicial Court on May 17, 2023.

These two CJIPs concern legal entities accused of having committed acts that could be classified as influence peddling for the first CJIP, and of having participated in irregularities in public procurement for the second CJIP.

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